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Search Engine Optimization – SEO Company in Carrollton, GA

Invest in Your Future with an SEO Company that Gets Results

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Get the Online Visibility and Leads Your Business Deserves with the Top SEO Company in Carrollton, GA

Tired of trying to figure out SEO on your own? As the leading SEO Company in Carrollton, GA, our team has helped countless businesses like yours achieve:

  • Top search rankings: Get found by your ideal customers.
  • Increased website traffic: Attract more potential leads.
  • Boost in conversions: Transform visitors into paying clients.
  • Rapid growth for new businesses: Hit the ground running with effective SEO.

You’ve Finally Found the
Right SEO Company for your business!

Creative Cowboys, the premier SEO Company in Carrollton, GA, has the
SEO solutions you’ve been searching for.

Our SEO Services

Increase Your Search Rankings and Get Discovered More Online
Keyword Research & Strategy

Creative Cowboys is the SEO Company in Carrollton, GA that understands your niche and delivers results. Your dedicated SEO specialist will analyze your current rankings, refine your keyword wishlist, and conduct in-depth research to target the terms that drive the most qualified traffic to your website.

Link Building

Backlinks are crucial for higher search rankings, but quality matters. Partner with Creative Cowboys, an SEO company with a dedicated link-building team and connections to reputable websites, for backlink strategies that boost your authority.

Technical SEO

Your website's technical health matters for search rankings. Creative Cowboys can help you speed up your site and fix those pesky errors that make it hard for search engines to understand your content. A well-optimized website leads to happier search engines – and even happier business owners!

Local SEO

With 64% of customers searching for local businesses online, strong local SEO is essential. Let Creative Cowboys, the trusted SEO Company in Carrollton, GA, optimize your Google Business Profile (GMB) and build your online reputation to attract more customers in your area."

On-Page SEO

Drive quality traffic and improve your online visibility with Creative Cowboys. Our SEO services follow best practices to boost your website's credibility. We'll craft compelling content, optimize your tags, and use high-quality visuals for maximum impact.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is essential for online success. Partner with Creative Cowboys to enhance your brand credibility through strategic social media campaigns, high-quality link building, and targeted influencer collaborations.

Franchise SEO

Dominate local search for your franchise locations. As a leading SEO Company in Carrollton, GA, Creative Cowboys' specialized SEO services include geo-targeted content, Nextdoor advertising, and custom web designs to boost your visibility and attract more customers in each market.

Shopify SEO

Strengthen your Shopify store and attract more customers. Creative Cowboys provides comprehensive SEO services, 24/7 support, Shopify audits, web design, paid advertising, and review management to create the best possible customer experience.

Amazon SEO

Get discovered by millions of ready-to-buy customers on Amazon. Creative Cowboys optimizes your product listings, maximizes ad placements, and implements targeted Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) SEO strategies to propel your brand to the top and boost your sales.

eCommerce SEO

Create a convenient shopping experience that keeps customers coming back. Creative Cowboys optimizes for mobile and voice search, launches personalized email campaigns, and integrates with Walmart Marketplace to boost retention and sales volume.

Content Writing

Boost your search rankings and attract more visitors with Creative Cowboys' expert content creation services. Our writers craft SEO-friendly blog posts, optimize product pages, and regularly update your site – strategies that search engines love and customers appreciate.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Boost customer lifetime value and online revenue with Creative Cowboys' CRO expertise. We'll analyze your website, optimize landing pages, conduct A/B testing, and seamlessly integrate PPC marketing with our SEO services to maximize conversion rates.

SEO Services You Can Expect
From Creative Cowboys

An SEO Company That Gets It

As a full-service digital marketing company, Thrive offers a comprehensive array of professional search engine optimization services to get your business more visibility in search using only trustworthy, future-proof, white hat SEO techniques, such as:

Why Search Engine Optimization is a Great Investment

We Practice What We Preach to Provide Maximum ROI


Every business owner seeks to maximize their investment and boost profit margins, and one effective way to achieve this is through search engine optimization (SEO). Think of SEO as an invaluable employee that never takes a break – it works tirelessly for your business day and night, driving traffic to your website and showcasing your offerings to potential customers.

We have dedicated years to perfecting our SEO strategy, which has not only delivered results for our clients but has also significantly benefited our own website. We have leveraged organic search results to the fullest, firmly relying on SEO as the lifeblood of our business.

Consider this: without SEO, you might not have discovered this page. Did you find it through a Google search? If so, you are a prime example of SEO working for us. Now, it’s time to harness the power of SEO for your own business.

Search Engine Optimization FAQs

Search engine optimization is more commonly known as its acronym SEO. Optimization is the basis of all SEO practices. Once your brand's presence (website, content and social media platforms) is optimized across the internet, you increase its online visibility. Your website will find its way to the first page of the search engine results pages (SERPs). Your online customers will find your business much quicker too.

SEO is the practice of making changes to your online presence, particularly your website, making it more attractive to search engines like Google and Bing. Search engines crawl (or scan) your website to understand what it is about. The best SEO practices make sure it is easy for search engines to understand your website. SEO increases the quantity of organic website traffic and the quality of your site visitors at no additional cost. It doesn't include any paid media or placement and it excludes direct traffic. With a robust SEO strategy implemented on your website, Google will identify it as an authority site and point users in your site's direction.

There are subtle differences between the various search engines. However, you can usually focus on Google in your SEO strategy, since most of your target market will make use of this leading search engine. Also, the majority of organic traffic is from Google.

It's advisable to employ an experienced SEO agency or expert and this cost should be included in your marketing budget. The amount you should expect to pay is aligned to the scope of work needed to ensure success. A digital agency or SEO expert will charge after considering the project scope and once you have presented your predetermined expectations. The average hourly rate of employing an agency or SEO expert is approximately $150 per hour.

Yes, you can - it takes a bit of know-how and learning by trial and error, but it's possible to implement a basic SEO strategy across your website. However, SEO is time-consuming and to do it properly you need to consider both technical SEO and on-page SEO. What's more, you will need to keep up-to-date with the algorithms' changes to the various search engines.

There are three factors that directly impact your SEO ranking, even if you’ve only implemented a very basic search strategy on your site. The factors to be aware of are:
Page Load Time -- If your website loads too slowly your visitors will bounce and likely go to a competitor’s website. Google (and all search engines) will rank your website lower because of a slow page load time. This is something to pay close attention as we draw closer to the major update confirmed by Google. The Core Web Vitals update in March 2021 will focus on three aspects that directly -- and dramatically -- impact user experience on your site. Page load time features in this update and is paramount to securing your ranking or reaching the top of the SERPs.
Keyword Selection -- Your keywords must be carefully chosen so your website and pages are listed under the correct search terms your ideal customer is looking for.
Content Creation -- If you create quality content on your website your audience will find your site quickly, easily and will stay on your site to learn more. This increases dwell time which boosts rankings on search engines.

Blogging helps to boost your SEO strategy across your site but only if crafted with optimization in mind. Search engines are looking for the content on your website that will sufficiently answer users’ questions. So, by creating and sharing high-quality and in-depth blogs that address pertinent topics within your industry, you’re likely to be identified as an authority source of the searched topic. With on-page SEO tactics, search engines will find your blog more easily.

SEO and pay-per-click or other paid media options work together to boost your website and position your brand as an authority in your industry or niche. SEO often gives you a far better return on your investment by comparison to paid media options. That’s not to say that SEO is cheap and easy; it takes a fair amount of time and resources to get it right but it’s long-term rewards are immense and sustainable. Most times, SEO and paid advertising will work together to provide the best results.

This is entirely dependent on your goals and the search campaign tactics you employ. Most SEO experts will estimate four to six months before you begin to see results. Bear in mind this is when you begin to see the results not when you achieve your identified goals.

SEO is a multifaceted practice that requires many different actions to be taken on a website for it to be optimized for search. Many people correlate SEO with high-quality content as search algorithms have highlighted content as an important ranking factor. Algorithms are looking for content that answers the users’ search intent. If your content speaks directly to your audience, your website will be served up to users by Google. But content alone isn’t good SEO practice. You need links from authoritative external sites pointing to your site in the form of a backlink and these external sites need to have a good domain authority score.

Also, best practice entails full blown on-page optimization which means optimizing your meta content, images and tags. And then, consider the technical aspect of SEO - does your website have great architecture? How’s the User Experience (UX)? Is it easily navigable? And have you made sure to link your pages internally?

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Local Listings, Reviews, On-Site SEO & Social Media.

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